migraine free day

A day without migraine: magic for the soul

The alarm sounds at 7:04 am and I stir, my body moving gingerly, a hint of trepidation in my chest. I often wake to the throbbing ache of a migraine, but today, there is nothing but a sense of gratitude. I rise from bed, eager to spend the morning with my daughter. She is not one for mornings, so I wake her up gently, giving her a few precious minutes to ease into the day.


Our routine is familiar, and she looks like a sleepy lion cub, her head full of brunette curls askew. I prepare breakfast and her snacks for later, thoroughly enjoying every sip of my delicious coffee.


The absence of migraine means I can have some fun with dressing, choosing my favorite skinny jeans and a blouse the color of a clear azure sky. We share breakfast as a family, my daughter and I discussing fashion, friendship, and the trials of school life as we drive to her coking camp.  The day is off to a wonderful start.


As the morning wears on, I attend to my blog and consulting business, my mind engaged and productive.  No migraine also means I can get outside.  At lunch, I take a walk, breathing in the crisp air, rich with the scent of moss and pine. I am one with nature, my senses alive as I pet a large patch of emerald green moss covering a tall, ancient tree. Today, I last 40 minutes on my walk, a victory in itself. The day continues to unfold in a wonderous fashion.


Evening finds us busy with homework, reading, care of our fish, discussing the day, and preparing dinner. These are the small, familiar tasks of family life, but today they are a gift. A welcome reprieve. It is a space between battles. The next battle with migraine will come soon enough. But not today! Today, I am present for my loved ones, cherishing every pain-free moment, grateful for the beauty in the mundane.


Migraine Blog

If you are interested in reading more from Anastasia on living with migraine please click on the button to the right to see the full list of her blog articles!